I appreciate you, and I know how important trust
is when it comes to your health and wellness journey.
Throughout my career, I’ve met many people who have felt
disappointed by the healthcare system
—left unheard, treated like just another number,
and unsure where to turn for real solutions.
At The Wellness Track, LLC, that changes.
You are not a number. You are a person first.
I will listen to your needs and help you take control of your
health, mobility, and performance.
Before you decide to work with me,
I invite you to hear from others who have walked this path
and found pain relief, strength, and confidence through my programs.
My Credentials & How I Can Help You
While I no longer practice traditional physical therapy, I maintain my physical therapy and athletic training licenses
in Ohio and Wisconsin to stay at the forefront of movement science and injury prevention.
I am nationally certified as a:
✔Personal Trainer
✔Fitness Nutrition Specialist
✔Corrective Exercise Specialist
✔Virtual Coaching Specialist…
through the National Academy of Sports Medicine (NASM), allowing me to provide coaching in all 50 states.
Additionally, I hold the Exercise Is Medicine (EIM) Credential through the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM)
and can accept EIM referrals from healthcare providers across the country.
My approach is designed to empower you with the knowledge, tools, and strategies
to stay active, pain-free, and performing at your best—without endless appointments or guesswork.
“When I first connected with Jeanette, it was through a video chat.
My lower back was in so much pain that I couldn’t move at all without crying.
I was literally stuck on the floor. I would have gone to the ER or clinic,
but it was honestly too much for me to even move.
Jeanette walked me through a series of positions to try to get myself into to help relieve the pain. It was roughly about 30 – 45 minutes of testing
to finally lock in on a few pain-relieving positions.
Yes, pain relieving!
Without any immediate medication, just through repositioning myself,
I was able to go from crying pain to where it was just a minor nuisance.
What a game changer!
Jeanette shared a few videos with me that
not only showed what these different positions are,
but explained why they help relieve pain.
These were simple concepts that anyone with a working knowledge of middle school physical science should be able to understand and apply.
This isn’t to say you may not need a doctor or some medication
at some point for your injury, but in roughly a half hour
of being conscious of how your body is moving and resting,
you can potentially rid yourself of pain.
And if you do need some form of medication,
figuring out how to position yourself so that the pain is minimal
will help you stay more comfortable while the medication works as it should. Everyone is different and not all injuries are the same, but Total Motion Release is absolutely something that should be in your pain relief toolbox.”
Before I received services with Dr. Jeanette De Witt at The Wellness Track, LLC…
"I woke with a migraine and sinus pressure. My face hurt.
I had tightness in my neck, shoulders and somein my lower back.
Movement wasn't great in my upper body and I couldn't move well because I hurt. Mylevel of activity was very low. I want to move and be active,
however, its hard to push through most times when I feel like this.”
After I received services with Dr. Jeanette De Witt at The Wellness Track, LLC…
“I noticed the sinus pressure was about 90% gone when done,
just a small area on left eye area remained
after receiving services with Dr. Jeanette.
I wasn't blowing my nose or coughing as much either.
It felt as if the sinus region had loosened up.
My migraine had lessened considerably.
The tightness in my neck and shoulders improved as well.
I was surprised I was able to get 50% relief within 30 minutes.
That is amazing and I feel it was a game changer for someone like myself
who suffers from chronic headaches and sinus issues often.
I highly recommend Dr. Jeanette to anyone who has struggled for a few days
or many years in an area that needs improvement, to gain their quality of life back, or to get back on track in their health journey, in whatever area that may be.
With Dr. Jeanette, she will design a customized plan to meet your health care needs.
I like the personal attention and concern she has.”
"I have recently seen Dr. Jeanette for a series of Massage therapy that has helped me deal with pain and discomforts from my neck down to my feet.
Over the years she has treated me for post surgeries
and as well as pre- surgeries too strengthen me in areas needed.
She helped be tremendously after my post Covid symptons of fatigue that was more than i could handle for up to a year.
Dr. Jeanette has never scheduled or done any session with me that did not work.
I myself was not a believer at first but found out after a few sessions
that her methods are 100% effective in helping !
I highly recommend her therapy and will continue
when I am need to get the help I need from her!"
“I suffered from sharp pain in my left shoulder. At times the pain was unbearable. Oddly enough it hurt most when my arm was at rest with no support,
like an armrest. So in the pew at worship service, it was very uncomfortable.
About mid 2016 I went to see Dr. De Witt for some advice.
When she laid me down on my stomach to look at my upper back
the pain in the shoulder went through the roof
as it dangled over the examination table.
It felt like someone took a knife, jabed it my shoulder and twisted it.
She had me sit up right away and from that moment, we focused on the shoulder. Over the course of several months, Dr. DeWitt gently gave me ever increasing exercises to perform each day.
I can truly say that the pain is GONE. Not even a twince.
Thank you Dr. DeWitt for your work on my shoulder.”
“Dr. De Witt is very knowledgeable, attentive and cares for each one of her patients. She took pain that I have been having for 4 years,
and made me understand what it was like to “live” again pain free.
I saw numerous doctors, physical therapists and chiropractors
prior to seeing her, and within 1 visit,
she was able to develop a plan knowing what my symptoms were.
Being very knowledgeable with essential oils, and using them with her practice, makes the experience that much more effective.
I am so lucky to have found her to help and manage my SI joint pain
and my recoveries from ankle and hip surgery.
Dr. De Witt takes the time and effort to make sure you are aware
of what is going on and how she would like to treat you.
No surprises. I can not recommend her enough!
Thank you Dr. De Witt for making me feel like a human again!”
“I never knew that Physical Therapy could change my life.
I had a chronic pain in the neck for over 8 years.
So, when I started coming to see you I was not happy.
You were so patient and understanding,
reassuring me that pain like this can take a serious toll on a person.
I was encouraged and treated.
Your customized personal approach was just what the doctor ordered.
I am now without the severe pain and loving life.
Thank you for teaching me to take better care of my neck AND the rest of me too!”
“Ironically, when I was first introduced to Dr. DeWitt at a Toastmasters meeting,
I was suffering from an agonizing running injury.
I had a partial tear in my plantar fascia which STOPPED my running,
and I wasn’t making progress with my previous PT,
so I began working with Dr. Jeanette.
That proved to be the best thing I could have done
to begin my long journey towards healing and running again!
Not only is the Doc an attentive Physical Therapist,
she also happens to be a running expert!
If you’re dealing with a running (or any sports related) injury,
I would highly recommend that you schedule a visit
with Dr. De Witt right away - don’t wait!”
“I sprained my foot and ankle playing adult soccer.
When I first came in to see Dr. De Witt it was difficult and hurt to push the gas
and brake pedal in my truck. Walking hurt bad and it was very slow going.
The transition to get better was slow but very methodical.
Dr. De Witt is very good at figuring out what exercises to give you.
If you do the exercises as suggested you will get better.
Now, I have no problem doing my daily activities
and I am ready to start running again.
That is an awesome turn around to go from not walking without a lot of pain
to starting to run in 8 weeks. Thank you Dr. De Witt.”
“Jeanette is a first class, top of field Physical Therapist.
I was hurting before I visited her and with her assistance I feel much better.
She takes the time to listen and then develops a program
tailored to your issues and problems.
I especially like how she makes sure you are doing the exercises correctly
so you get the maximum benefit they are designed for.”
I have struggled with pain and stiffness over the years. I needed a person who would help me improve and learn how to build the strength I needed to decrease the pain and minimize how often I get myself into trouble by changing routines or overdoing exercise. I would recommend Dr. Jeanette. I chose to go see her over 7 years ago for pain prior to a needed hip replacement surgery, because I saw how she helped my brother with recovery after back surgery. Being a heavy person, and often felt put down by the medical profession, I was skeptical. I particularly liked that she never made me feel less than or undeserving of help. Even through tears, she listened and encouraged me. Although she couldn’t make the pain go way entirely, she helped me learn to use a cane to take some of the burden off my body, gave me exercises to build muscle, and massaged the sore areas around my hip to make it tolerable. Even after getting the x-ray and news the doctor wouldn’t do the surgery because of my weight, she still treated me. She understood I went to the gym everyday and worked hard which made me feel worthy. Prior to finally having surgery, she gave me suggestions to set up my home for after surgery success, let me know what to expect, and checked on me. I know I can reach out to her with questions. Over the years, since our first meeting, I have continually sought out Dr. Jeanette for help with neck and upper back issues, tight IT band issues, plantar fasciitis, knee pain, and most recently a fall that resulted in surgery to repair a shattered patella. After two months of being non weight bearing and then transitioning to getting back to full walking and activities, I found myself with sore hamstrings, glutes, and shooting pain around my piriformis muscle. Through medical massage, she helped reduce that pain from a 90 to a 10 on the pain scale. That severe, shooting pain has not returned. In addition to medical massage, over the years, she has given me tools to use to help myself. These include stretches, exercises, essential oils, and using the symmetry of your body to try to fix yourself and relieve pain. She also has helped me make a plan for exercise so that my body can gradually get back to a normal routine without experiencing increased pain. She will work hard to treat your pain, discover what issue is causing the pain, and give you tools you can use so you can live a better life.
Move Pain-Free & Stay Active.
© Copyright 2025.
The Wellness Track, LLC
All rights reserved.